By Amy Offenberg on March 6, 2015 in Insight from Amy
Everybody feels pain sometimes. It never feels good. It always hurts and we want it to go away. We find ways to cope. Some ways are healthy. Others are not so healthy, but we just want to feel better. And who doesn’t want to feel better?
By Amy Offenberg on March 6, 2015 in Insight from Amy
A single step? Sure, that sounds easy, but I have a million things to do and a single step will get me nowhere. I have to get prepared to work with my new students, the phone and internet service at my house has been out for four days and I am endlessly fighting with Comcast. I have patients to see while I still fight a cold, my dry-cleaning has been ready for a week and the loads of laundry pile up. A dear friend is on the phone about her sick mom, another wants to separate from her husband and I support another loved one recovering from a cancer surgery. I am totally overwhelmed.
By Amy Offenberg on March 6, 2015 in Insight from Amy
Families. We love them. We can't stand them. We are born into them and we create them. Families can be defined in many ways. We always wish that our families were perfect. What I have realized, is that there is no perfect family. There is no normal family. All families are imperfect to some degree. Sometimes our families actually cause us stress and anxiety.
By Amy Offenberg on November 6, 2014 in Insight from Amy
Suffering the loss of a loved one is one of the hardest things that we go through in life. It is inevitable that at some point in our lives, we will suffer the pain of loss. There are only two things in life that are certain for us all. We will be born and we will die.
By Amy Offenberg on November 6, 2014 in Insight from Amy
How many times did I hear this during my childhood? And how many times during that childhood did I think it was the stupidest thing I ever heard? Many years have passed, and I realize just how true a sentiment this is. I also wish that the people who said this to me over and over again could just look at me and say, “I told you so..”
By Amy Offenberg on November 6, 2014 in Insight from Amy
Summer is over. We are back to our routines. All work. No play. The weather is cold and getting colder. It is always dark. I dread this time of year and find that many people feel just like I do. My energy gets lower and lower. I find it hard to motivate myself. In the morning, I want to stay in bed and sleep.